TWSBI Fude sketch

More playing around with the Fude nib… beginning to get the hang of it…have to hold the pen at different angles to lay down the variety of line widths, larger arm movement than small hand movements….a unique way of drawing but in a good way…..A view out across the roof tops looking towards Kings Park, Perth.

TWSBI with Fude nib….

Playing around with a new nib….a “fude” (deliberately bent) nib for my TWSBI Eco fountain pen (bought from in Barcelona) – now I can get line variation with the huge ink capacity of the TWSBI design (this pen doesn’t take ink cartridges – the ink is contained in the body of the pen – insert the nib into a bottle of ink and twist the other end to operate the plunger to suck in the ink). It does take a bit of practice to get used to a fude nib, how you hold the pen changes the line thickness…best to hold it loosely and maybe higher up the barrel at bit like a paint brush…moving the whole hand at the wrist unlike a “normal” pen writing action.