#TypeClubWA – workshop at Claremont Goods Shed

At the Claremont Goods Shed this morning for a gathering of the #typeclubwa – people interested in hand lettering, font styles and graphic design. Lots of different types of pens, brushpens, textas, pencils, watercolour – creating lots of different writing styles…. some curly and wandering…. others angular and edgy. I had fun scribbling on the paper covered table but even more fun sketching the people down the table as they created their “words of art”.

Insect Exoskeleton

An insect exoskeleton blew across the backyard this morning, I think belongs to a cricket. It’s so beautifully detailed….the delicate and magical world of insects is rarely seen close up. There’s a split on the top of the carapace where it squeezed out to grow a new shell….maybe I’ll hear its owner chirping in a new skin tonight….

Canon G16 camera, 1/15 sec, F 8.0, ISO 100, Macro on tripod